Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,
Newmarket & Cambridge
Dan's Hypnotherapy Blog
How to stay focused for success - part one
When I tell people I run marathons, I often get asked how I manage to stay focused on what can seem such a huge goal with weeks of training and preparation.
Recently I finished my eighth marathon (around the streets of Great Yarmouth) and wanted to share a few of the things I do to help me stay focused and motivated right up to the finish line.
And it doesn’t matter whether your personal goal is running, sport related or something else – try out some of these techniques and explore how you can apply them to keep you motivated, focused and ultimately successful at what you want to achieve.
Specifi….specifically…specifici….oh I give up!
Specifi….specifically…specifici….specificity – is that right? oh I give up!
Sometimes I have a bit of trouble saying the word ‘specificity’ – so I give up.
And it seems giving up when something doesn’t go quite right is a common thing for a lot of people.
Ever tried something and it hasn’t gone how you intended or would have liked? Or maybe the other person didn’t react in the way you thought they would? And that’s assuming you even try to do something and don’t give up before you’ve even begun.
Yet there are some things you can do which give you
How Do You Change The Way You Feel?
You get home, you’ve had a hell of a day and you feel stressed. You’re wound up, anxious, frustrated and tired. Maybe the people you work with have been a pain or haven’t done what they should have. Maybe your boss has been giving you grief. Maybe you just have too much to do so no matter how many hours you put in, the inbox keeps over-flowing.
Or maybe the kids have been a nightmare by making a mess, not listening to you, refusing to do as they are told, having tantrums…
Or maybe you just need something to help you unwind, relax and let go of the day; a bit of ‘me-time’ to switch off your brain and forget about all that stress and anxiety.
So how do you change the way you feel and get rid of that stress, anxiety and those other unwelcome emotions?
October saw the launch of ‘stoptober’ – an attempt to try and get people to stop smoking for 28 days through October.
When you consider the impacts of smoking on your health and wellbeing now and into the future, not to mention the increasing expense, then I applaud anyone who finally makes the decision to quit.
After all, would you really want to wait until you or someone close to you gets a health scare before finally feeling you have to do something about it? Maybe you are already starting to get fed up with being out of breath, sore throats, chesty coughs or maybe just the thousands of pounds you are investing in feeling that way.
By the time they come to see me, most smokers have tried
Are there enough hours in your day?
We all have lots of things to do. Our inbox is always being bombarded and our to do list seems never ending and ever growing. Sometimes it can seem as though there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done.
When everything feels like you need to see it all done before you can pause, it can be easy to start feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed. And despite our best intentions, when we feel this way it gets harder to get things done and we may start lots of things rather than finish anything.
If you don’t have enough hours in your day and want to avoid stress, frustration and feeling overwhelmed then here’s what I suggest:
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