Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,
Newmarket & Cambridge
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What Dan's hypnotherapy clients say:
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For the last 40 years I have had a fear of any kind of dental treatment, even telephoning to make an appointment would fill me with dread. After once again going through all the fear and anxiety of just having a check up, I decided that I needed some help.I could not face the two appointments that were required, so I contacted Dan.His techniques have been so helpful and have completely changed how I feel about going.I have now had the dental appointments and was amazed at how calm and relaxed I felt during the lead up to both appointments, whilst sitting in the waiting room and once in the dentists chair, having the work done. I had no fear at all.Amazing when I think how I would of felt before, so Dan I cannot thank you enough.
Date of Posting: 21 January 2015
Posted By: Jane
I used to eat a lot of snacks when I would get bored at home just to fill the time. However now I've been and seen Dan these cravings have disappeared. Now when I walk past the fridge or cupboards I do not even think about food. Dan is really friendly and welcoming and I felt very comfortable very quickly.
Date of Posting: 16 January 2015
Posted By: Harry
My 9 year old daughter has had a life long phobia of dogs. After 4 sessions with Dan, her confidence around dogs is amazing. We now have our own puppy and when other dogs come over to say hello on walks, she is more than happy to join in. Thank you so much Dan.
Date of Posting: 22 December 2014
Posted By: Alison
Bishop Stortford
I must have tried every diet and slimming club going over the years. I would lose a little bit of weight, then the same old habits and cravings took over, the weight loss stopped , and I would give up(again!). After months of avoiding mirrors, clothes shops and telling myself it must be the water in the area where I live shrinking my clothes, I realised that something had to be done. I was having trouble doing everyday things like climbing stairs, and walking short distances left me out of breath. So I searched for a hypnotist and found Dan. I was sceptical at first, and finding the money was hard, but oh my goodness it was worth it. In just four months, I have lost over two stone. But more importantly, I now feel in control of my food, and still feel motivated to lose more weight. I don't have cravings for packets and packets of crisps any more. I am enjoying doing a little exercise each day. Success is the most fabulous feeling in the world. There is just one small problem: I have a little bird who can talk and adores crisps, and he can not understand why he hasn't been having his favourite snack anymore. He is constantly asking for his crisps! Perhaps I should take him to see Dan too! Thank you, Dan! I feel far more energetic and in control of my eating now. Thank you
Date of Posting: 20 December 2014
Posted By: Teresa
I suffered from anxiety with appointments to either the doctors, opticians or work meetings. With the help of Dan over that past three months i have managed to calm my nerves about meetings and even successfully attend a opticians appointment. I think the quote "life is to short to worry" sums it up and im so glad i got Dans help.I would recommend to everyone!
Date of Posting: 17 November 2014
Posted By: Danni
I have had issues for years about eating and trying new types of food, not being able to physically do it and having it limit my life in a negative manner. I wanted to become more healthy but at the same time didn't feel as if I could.
After having the sessions from Dan I definitely feel as If this problem has left me. I now feel much more free in terms of trying and eating new food using the techniques that Dan has taught me, with it also being much easier for me to deal with social situations involving food such as eating around friends.
I definitely recommend Dan for those dealing with phobias and fears based on my own experiences with him.
Date of Posting: 20 October 2014
Posted By: Harry
I went to see Dan because I needed help with insomnia caused by an ex partner who kept hounding me with messages. My nights were spent running through conversations in my mind and feeling angry that this person wouldn't leave me alone. I just couldn't get it out of my mind and after two months of not sleeping it was really affecting my life. I had resorted to prescription sleeping pills because I just couldn't function but, they are absolutely a last resort now and I haven't taken anything for a few months.
Dan helped me understand that the mind has to 'deal' with or 'process' these problems for it to move on and he gave me some techniques to apply. My sleep is very much back to normal and if I feel that I am thinking about something too long, I can apply the technique and get rid of that thought. You can also apply similar techniques to all other areas of your life. I went to see Dan for three sessions and it has helped tremendously. Thanks Dan.
Date of Posting: 16 October 2014
Posted By: Samantha
After being on numerous 'diets' for at least 15yrs that have made my weight yo yo I decided to look for something new. I came across Dans website and immediately liked what I saw. I felt his hypnoband therapy was something worth a try. On my first visit I think I may have told him my life story and all my worries but he made me feel at ease and that was all part of the service. Dan gave me things to work on during my course of hypnotherapy and I was able to do this.
Amazingly the things that we worked on all started working. I no longer pigged out on food and snacks. I was able to feel I could still have control over my food choices unlike slimming clubs which limit you. I have been able to loose weight at a good steady pace and feel in control.
It has made a huge difference to my lifestyle and confidence. This is something I feel will continue and I do not feel like I'm on a diet as im not.
If anyone feels they need some help or support I'd 100% recommend Dan as he has a warmth about him and really gets to the bottom of your issues. Honestly all my life I have adored food and it showed I still adore food but am able to control what and when I need it. Happy days!
Date of Posting: 02 October 2014
Posted By: Jo
After some huge life changes in my fifties, I developed quite severe anxiety over the past year. This caught me by surprise as previously I had been able to cope fine during difficult times, this in itself made my anxiety worse as I now also became anxious about why I was so anxious.
I tried medication and counselling with no real results, the medication made me feel ill and although the counselling helped a little it did not teach me any useful skills to break the cycle of daily anxiety.
Dan taught me useful relaxation skills and techniques to use in my everyday activities. These have helped me cope with those days that are more challenging than others whilst I continually work to adapt to the changes happening in my life and that of my family.
Dan is very kind and understanding and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.
Date of Posting: 02 October 2014
Posted By: Ferny
I contacted Dan after having a panic attack at work, which me resulted in leaving work at my new job and being unpaid for over 2 weeks - not a great start! I needed some drastic help as my anxiety had been building up and getting increasingly unmanageable. I had tried the doctors and medication to calm me down but nothing seamed to stop my emotions from flooding out and becoming out of control.
Before I contacted Dan, I was so highly strung and emotional I would cry over anything. I was so angry and had mood swings; lashing out at my partner and family. Work was just unbearable. I work in a call centre, any time I had a difficult call, I would cry and have to have meetings with my boss - about the fact I was on probation and if I kept acting like this I was unlikely to pass it. My anxiety then worsened because I become scared of getting a call that would make me cry and the repercussions of it. It then just become a vicious circle of being anxious about stuff that hadn't actually happened yet.
I chose 6 sessions with Dan, and can safely say they have worked. I am back at work, I no longer feel sick, I no longer shake, I no longer get this feeling that I just need to escape and get out. I no longer get worried about difficult calls, and when I do get them I deal with them I have a new found confidence and can deal with them. I don't remember the last time I cried at work. I learnt a lot of little techniques to help me over come things, like that churning feeling in your stomach or that voice in your head that tells you that you cant do it and to just escape.
Aside from my anxiety I have also gained confidence outside of work, I signed up for a University course that I kept looking at for over 2 years but never that the confidence to just go for it. I cant thank Dan enough. He helped me more than I thought could be possible.
Date of Posting: 01 October 2014
Posted By: Kelly