Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,
Newmarket & Cambridge
What I learnt from Bucks Fizz about achieving goals
I was just seven years old when Bucks Fizz won Eurovision in 1981. I can remember the whole thing being crazily exciting. And even now who can forget those jumpers and (more importantly) those skirts!
Music can do many things – re-enforce emotions, change how you feel and contain important insights. And who hasn’t had one of those times when you hear a song and immediately a memory of a time you heard it in the past comes into your mind?
This song contains many useful insights when you consider it in relation to following your dreams and achieving your goals.
As you watch the video and listen to the words, consider how you can take and apply some of the key points from the song to help you drive forward with your goals and overcome procrastination.
Because sometimes with your goals, “You gotta speed it up” and sometimes you need to know when “you gotta slow it down”.
If you want to succeed with your goals in all areas of your life, you’ve got to consider all the options and the best way to proceed but “soon you will find that there comes a time, for making your mind up”.
Because if you don’t take action then nothing will happen and nothing will change.
And perhaps most importantly, “don't let your indecision, take you from behind. Trust your inner vision; don't let others change your mind.” How often in the past have we all been guilty of not trusting ourselves and our ideas enough to give them a go, and have instead allowed others to plant a seed of doubt that grows and grows.
So knowing that now is a good time to make your mind up, what are you going to do next?
What is that first step you could take on your biggest goal in the next 24-48 hours?
Because now is the best time for making your mind up.
Want to find out more about hypnotherapy?
Contact me now to arrange a free 30 minute initial consultation so you can find out how right hypnotherapy is for you.
Contact Dan at Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy: e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , speak to me direct on 07724 155715 or book an appointment today in Ely, Newmarket or Cambridge.
Hypnotherapy appointments are available in Ely, Newmarket & Cambridge:
Hypnotherapy in Ely: Call 01353 669941 to book an appointment at Ely Complementary Health Centre, Sextry House, 29a St Mary’s Street, Ely.
Hypnotherapy in Newmarket: call 01638 669933 to book a session at White Tara Complementary Health & Beauty Centre, 7 All Saints Road, Newmarket.
Hypnotherapy in Cambridge: call 01223 279168 to book a session at Girton Physio Clinic, 100a High Street, Girton, Cambridge
Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy: Successful hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP in Ely, Newmarket & Cambridge.