Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,

Newmarket & Cambridge


How to Overcome Driving Fear & Anxiety

With all the cars on the road today, you might think that driving from A to B is the easiest thing in the world.


And for many people it is that easy.


But if you struggle with driving fear and anxiety then just getting in the car may be an ordeal in itself.


About Driving Fear


If you have driving fear, you may try and avoid driving anywhere. Sometimes just the thought that you may have to drive can fill you with anxiety and your feelings only increase if you do get behind the wheel.


And the more you think about it, the worse that fear and anxiety seems to get.


The less driving you do, the more the anxiety increases and your driving confidence disappears. So it gets harder and harder to do anything about it and the anxiety continues to grow.


Sometimes fear and anxiety can be

linked to a road accident that you were involved with or witnessed, yet your anxiety may also have simply crept up without any obvious event that started it.


I’ve worked with people who would do anything to get out of driving – getting others to drive, taking a taxi or making excuses to avoid going places.


Driving Anxiety Success Stories


One recent client had started suffering panic attacks and anxiety when driving on a certain motorway – despite decades of happy driving in the UK and abroad. After coming to see me she was soon able to make a 350 mile round trip to a family wedding without any of the old feelings of anxiety.


Here’s what some other clients had to say:


“I saw you a few months ago as I was learning to drive but had problems actually facing getting in the car. I wanted to say thank you again as I passed my test on Friday with only four minor faults. My life has changed in just days and I thank you for helping me get there.” Lindsay, Ely


“I drove my first long distance for two years this past weekend, since getting behind the wheel again and it was in the heavy rain on a motorway and your relaxation tips helped me greatly. Thanks again. It was 9 years since I'd been that way!” Matt, Cambridge


Ending driving fear and anxiety


Whether it’s a fear of driving that applies to every journey or just anxiety about certain roads or routes, help is available.


You could soon be getting back behind the wheel with confidence and calmness, finding it easier and easier to take that journey and wondering what your old driving fear used to be all about.



Dan Regan

Hypnotherapist & Coach


Free Initial Consultation        


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