Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,
Newmarket & Cambridge
Quit Smoking For Good with Hypnotherapy in Ely
Whether you’ve been a smoker for 40 years or just a few years and no matter whether your habit is 25 a day or a handful, hypnotherapy with Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking forever.
Recently I saw a client who had smoked twenty plus roll ups a day for forty years (since he was ten years old) and was paying nearly £20 a week for the ‘pleasure’. He told me he had decided the time was right to quit after his health began to deteriorate and his shortness of breath started to affect his social life and job.
Another client had been smoking 5-10 cigarettes a day for thirty years, only pausing during pregnancy. She was fed up of the smell and of being the unsociable one who got up and went outside when out with friends.
What did both have in common? Both felt they wanted to quit and both
had already smoked their final cigarette before walking through my door (whether they believed it at the time or not). After one session, using a potent mix of hypnosis & NLP, both walked out free of the smoking habit forever. How good must that feel?
What else did they have in common? Both could look forward to a healthier, happier future spending time doing the things they wanted to do, like holidays and spending time with family, and both would have saved thousands of pounds to put towards doing those things.
Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket with Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy means that after just a single two hour appointment you can be free of smoking for good.
Knowing the benefits for your health, relationships and wallet, how good would it feel to finally stop smoking?
A recent client said: “I would like to thank you for your assistance with helping me to stop smoking. Friday will be one month, and I am pleased and very proud to say that I have not touched a single cigarette.”
When you’ve finally decided to quit smoking, contact Dan at Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy: e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or speak to me direct on 07724 155715.
If you want to find out more then contact me now to arrange a free 30 minute initial consultation so you can find out how right hypnotherapy is for you. Hypnotherapy appointments available in both Ely & Newmarket.
Ely Hypnotherapy: call 01353 664476 to book a hypnotherapy appointment at Ely Complementary Health Centre.
Newmarket Hypnotherapy: call 01638 669933 to book a hypnotherapy session at White Tara Complementary Helath Centre in Newmarket.
Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy: Successful hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP in Ely and Newmarket.