Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis & NLP in Ely,

Newmarket & Cambridge


Running for MacMillan Cancer Support

On 6th October I’m going to be running the Cardiff Half Marathon to raise as much money as I can for MacMillan Cancer Support.


Why I’m running


My Dad has untreatable lung cancer. The doctors have done all they can and have told him that all they can do now is make him comfortable.


He was diagnosed with cancer over two and a half years ago and over that time has had chemotherapy and other treatments. Sadly they couldn’t keep the cancer from spreading.


Over the past couple of years he’s gone from a happy, active, engaged person to a shadow of who he was. I’ve seen him fade physically and mentally the longer he has become a prisoner to the cancer.


Why MacMillan Cancer Support


The MacMillan nurses have been providing help to my Dad since he left hospital. They are also a help to my Mum as she cares for him.


MacMillan also

produce a wide range of helpful information leaflets and booklets which they provide free of charge. I know that this information was a huge help to me in starting to come to terms with the fact my Dad is dying. Most (if not all) libraries stock the leaflets.


Why the Cardiff Half Marathon


I’m running the Cardiff Half Marathon because it’s my Dad’s home town –the place he was born and where he has lived all his life.


The run also goes past many places where during past runs, my Dad would stand and wait to cheer me on (while holding my energy drinks, cap, Vaseline and all sorts of other things I might need en route!).


My goal is to finish the race and then get to my Dad’s house as soon as I can to show him my medal and tell him all about the race.


Raising money for MacMillan


If you have a couple of pounds you could spare for MacMillan Cancer Support then I know both they and I would be hugely grateful.


Just go to http://www.justgiving.com/DanReganCardiff.


Thank you!




PS Here's a dodgy photo of me wearing my MacMillan running vest:


Sept 2013 Macmillan Cancer Support 3



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